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This post is about the how to become a house sitter or pet sitter and getting free accommodation as you travel

Are you craving the thrill of adventure, but your wallet's a little shy? The wanderlust dilemma is real. But fret not, fellow globe-trotter, because I’ve got a fantastic solution for you - house sitting!

Have you ever thought about house and pet sitting? Imagine sitting on a balcony overlooking the Swiss Alps, watching the sunrise and not having to pay a penny for it!

I’ve travelled the world as a house sitter and pet sitter and I find it an amazing way to travel and I want to share this fantastic way of travel with others.

In this guide, I'll unveil the secrets of how to explore the world without breaking the bank. So, grab your passport and let's dive into the amazing world of house sitting and pet sitting.


Planning your trip? Use my favourite resources!

🏨 Accommodation : I recommend
✈️ Flights : for the cheapest flights, I use Skyscanner
🚗 Rental Car : I recommend Rental Cars
🛡️ Travel Insurance : for the best deals I rely on HeyMondo






So, you might be wondering, ‘What the heck is housesitting and petsitting?’ Put simply it's a perfect arrangement where incredible folks, people like you and I, step in to take care of someone's home while they're off on their adventures.

Think of it as scoring a temporary home away from home. As a house sitter you get all ithe cozy comforts of a house without the dreaded hefty bills.

There are so many perks to house and petsitting as a way to travel - trust me I’ve done it enough times!

The first and the one that was most important for me when I was full time travelling was the cost - or lack of it! Housesitting and petsitting is free accommodation in amazing places around the world.

Picture this: you're sipping your morning coffee in a charming kitchen, sunlight streaming through the window, two cats are purring next to you that you can cuddle and stroke.

You feed the cats and set out for a morning adventure in this new location that’s waiting to be explored.

When housesitting, you’re often located in more residential areas and get to explore places that tourists don’t necessarily visit.

Personally, I find there something quite wonderful about being in more residential areas in a location. I find housesitting is less about ‘holidaying’ and more about immersing yourself in the local culture. You become a part of the community, and suddenly, you're not just a tourist passing through, but a temporary local.

I housesit with and can’t recommend them enough. Click here to take a look.



So, now you know what house and pet sitting is and you're keen on diving into that fantastic world, you're probably wondering how to get started, right?

There are so many different ways to get involved in housesitting.

What are they? I hear you cry! Well, various websites and platforms have popped up, making it so easy to discover and secure your perfect house sitting opportunities.

These websites create a safe space where both homeowners and house sitters can connect, ensuring that everyone involved in the arrangement benefits. It's a win-win situation for all involved and that’s something that I love so much from housesitting.

Types of House Sitting Opportunities

Now that you're part of this house sitting community, let's talk about the details of the opportunities that await you. There are so many different options for you as a housesitter whatever kind of traveller you are.

Personally, I’ve been a petsitter for a beautiful alsatian in the heart of Antwerp, Belgium, I’ve cared for 30 cats on the beaches of Turkey, enjoyed a huge farm house on the southern coast of England and so many more.

You could be enjoy a short weekend getaway in a cozy cottage tucked away in the woods, sipping hot cocoa by the fireplace. Or perhaps you're looking for a more extended escape, basking in the sun on a tropical island, where the only decision you'll have to make is whether to snorkel or sunbathe.

House sitting isn't one-size-fits-all. Some house sits may involve taking care of adorable pets, providing cuddles and treats while their owners are away. Other opportunities may lean towards basic home maintenance, like watering the plants and keeping everything in tiptop condition.

In a nutshell, the house sitting world is brimming with diverse opportunities, waiting for you to pick your adventure. Whether you're a pet lover, a DIY enthusiast, or someone who simply craves a change of scenery, there's a house sit with your name on it.

Have I tempted you enough? Let’s get to the details of building your house sitting profile and getting your first housesit.




Building Your House Sitting Profile

There are several platforms you can choose to start housesitting.

The only one I’ve used and can truely recommend from experience is

The first thing you need to do is create a knockout online profile. This is where you get to show off your skills, experience, and sparkling personality.

Your house sitting profile is the first impression you'll leave on potential homeowners, so it's essential to make it shine. But don't worry; I’ll here to guide you through the process.

Crafting an Irresistible House Sitter Profile

But what should your profile include? Well, for starters, highlight your experience. Share your past house sitting triumphs and the lessons you've learned along the way.

Reliability is the name of the game. Homeowners want to know they can count on you. So, emphasise your trustworthiness and commitment to the responsibilities of house sitting. A little reassurance goes a long way.

Don't forget to showcase any special skills you bring to the table. Whether it's pet care, gardening, or your knack for fixing things, these unique abilities can be your ticket to landing the perfect house sitting gig.

You should let your your future hosts get a glimpse of the wonderful person they'll be inviting into their home. Share your passions, your love for furry companions, and your enthusiasm for this incredible house sitting journey.

I housesit with and can’t recommend them enough. Click here to take a look.



Scouring The Website

Now that your profile is all set and shining, it's time to dive into the search.

I love it everytime I’m looking for a new housesit. I never know what I’m going to find on the website. It's like stepping into a sweet store with so many sweet options. Take your time to explore the website, get comfy with the listings, and read those juicy reviews. It's all part of the journey towards finding the perfect house sit.

You can filter by length of sit, location, type of animal and so much more.

One thing I’d say is it helps to be flexible with your dates, as often people who want their house taken care of have specific dates in mind of when they want you from and to, as it’s often when they themselves are going on holiday. I have had experiences of the home owners allowing me to stay a day or two later after they have returned home due to when I could get flights so it’s potentially worth an ask if the dates don’t quite work for you.


Nailing the Application Process

Once you've spotted a house sitting opportunity that appeals to you, it's time to work your magic. Crafting a compelling application is crucial to landing the gig. This is your moment to shine, so let's make it count.

Showcase your enthusiasm and reliability; let your potential hosts see your genuine excitement to take care of their home and beloved pets. Make sure you personalise your message to the homeowner's specific needs and expectations. It’s a big no-no to just copy and paste your application to all the hosuesits you fancy. It’s quite easy to tell when it’s a generic application and you’re less likely to be chosen. Use the homeowners name, talk about the animals you’ll be caring for and any experience you have looking after that particular animal or breed. Make it all about what you can offer them and what you bring to the table.

Interviewing with Homeowners

Successful house sitters often have a chat with homeowners before sealing the deal. It's a chance to get to know each other, discuss responsibilities, expectations, and any concerns. Building a rapport with the homeowner can make your entire experience even more enjoyable.

During these interviews, don't be shy; ask questions, and listen attentively. It's your chance to make sure the house sit aligns with your expectations too.




Legal and Safety Considerations

Safety is a top priority, ensuring not only your well-being but also the peace of mind for the homeowners.

When you're house sitting, it's vital to dot your i's and cross your t's. That means discussing legal agreements with the homeowners. While it might sound a bit formal, it's all about ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

This agreement may include the duration of your stay, the responsibilities you'll be handling, and any special instructions or rules. Clarity and mutual understanding are key.

Another essential aspect of safety is having proper insurance in place. This insurance should cover any potential mishaps or unexpected situations that may arise during your stay. It's your safety net, ensuring that you're protected in case of emergencies.

Speaking of emergencies, be sure to familiarise yourself with the emergency contacts and procedures. Knowing who to reach out to and what steps to take in case of an unexpected event is crucial. It's all about being prepared and ensuring a smooth house sitting experience for everyone involved.

I’ve never had an incident on my many house sitting adventures but it’s always better to be safe rather than sorry.

Setting Expectations with Homeowners

Last but not least, effective communication with the homeowners is key to a successful house sitting experience.

Discuss responsibilities – know what's expected of you and make sure you're comfortable with the tasks you'll be handling.

Talk about routines too. Whether it's caring for pets, maintaining the garden, or handling other tasks, having a set routine ensures that everything runs smoothly during your stay.

Don't hesitate to ask about any special requests the homeowners might have. Whether it's a daily routine for their pet, particular preferences for home care, or anything else, being in the know ensures you're well-prepared.

Clear communication is the foundation of a successful house sit, ensuring the best experience for both you and the homeowners.

I’ve found that some home owners want daily interactions which could be an odd WhatsApp message or a photo or two of their beloved pet whilst they’re away. Others leave and I don’t hear from them again until they walk through the door a week later. Make sure you understand what communication they’d like from you.

I housesit with and can’t recommend them enough. Click here to take a look.



Cost-Saving Strategies While House Sitting

First things first, let's talk about the magic of saving money while house sitting. Not only do you have a cozy, rent-free place to stay, but you can also stretch your budget further for the experiences you've been dreaming of. Think about all the amazing activities, delicious dining, and thrilling exploration you can do without the burden of accommodation costs.

Imagine all the extra cash you can allocate to taking that scuba diving class you've always wanted or indulging in a gourmet meal at a local restaurant. House sitting isn't just about saving money; it's about turning your adventure into an unforgettable experience.

Accommodation is usually the largest cost of any trip so if you can nail getting that for free it means you can do more whilst your there or you can do more trips! :)

Adventurous Activities on a Shoestring Budget

With house sitting, you have the freedom to discover local activities, hidden gems and affordable adventures that tourists often miss out on and it’s honestly one of my most favourite parts of housesitting.

Why not start by exploring the charming local markets, sampling street food, and immersing yourself in the culture? Take leisurely walks in the neighbourhood, discovering the best-kept secrets that only the locals know about. Or maybe you can embark on a picturesque hiking trail or visit a nearby beach for a relaxing day under the sun.

The point is, you're not just a tourist; you're living like a local, and that's where the real treasures lie. House sitting allows you to unlock unique experiences that won't break the bank, ensuring that your budget stays intact while your adventure thrives.

There’s something so uniquely special about staying in a residential area of a place instead of where tourists usually hang out. It’s a true, authentic experience that just can’t be matched,

Making Friends and Building Connections

There's more to house sitting than just saving money and exploring on a budget. It's also about connecting with the people and the places you encounter on your journey. House sitting opens doors to meeting new people and building friendships that can last a lifetime.

Whether it's striking up a conversation with the friendly neighbours, sharing travel stories with fellow adventurers, or connecting with other house sitters in the community, there are countless opportunities to make friends and build a network that spans the globe.

These connections not only enhance your travel experience but also provide a sense of belonging and a feeling of being part of a global community. The beauty of house sitting is that it's not just about the destinations you visit; it's about the people you meet and the relationships you build along the way.



Ethical House Sitting Practices

Maintaining the trust of homeowners is at the core of ethical house sitting practices. It's not just about taking care of their home; it's about respecting their space and following their rules. Open and honest communication is the key to ensuring a successful house-sitting experience.

Think of it as if you were a guest in someone's home – you'd want to treat their space with the utmost care and respect. The same goes for house sitting. Make sure you follow any specific instructions provided by the homeowner, whether it's about taking care of their beloved pets, tending to the garden, or ensuring their home is kept in tip-top shape.

Remember, you're not just house sitting; you're also building a reputation within the house sitting community. Trust and respect are the cornerstones of this community, and by adhering to ethical standards, you're not only ensuring the homeowner's peace of mind but also creating a positive and lasting impression.

Handling Unexpected Challenges

Let's talk about something that seasoned house sitters know all too well – unexpected challenges. Not every house sit will go off without a hitch, and that's perfectly normal. It's how you handle these challenges that can make all the difference.

Flexibility and adaptability are your best friends in the house sitting world. Whether it's dealing with a sudden change in plans, a household mishap, or even challenging weather conditions, approaching these situations with grace and a cool head can turn a potential hiccup into a valuable learning experience.

I count myself as incredibly lucky that I haven’t experienced any real mishap in my housesitting journey. Although, I did sit and cry in a field in Belgium once when the dog I was caring for wouldn’t return to me! It was a highly stressful hour or so let me tell you! I sat googling how to get a dog to return and eventually I lay on the ground in the mud, the dog came over to me and I managed to grab his collar. Oh my goodness, I was so stressed! What if I couldn’t get the dog back? What do I tell the owners? It was a nightmare. That was early on in my housesitting experiences and in hindsight we should have had more conversations about taking the dog off her lead and whether that was possible or not.

You should think of any mishaps along the way as a plot twist in your adventure; it's an opportunity to grow, learn, and become even more resilient. If you ever find yourself unsure about how to handle a particular situation, don't hesitate to reach out to the homeowner. Communication is your ally, and discussing the issue openly can often lead to a practical solution.


Review and Recommendations

Once your house sitting adventure comes to an end, it's time to think about leaving a thoughtful review for the homeowner. Sharing your positive experience and any feedback can go a long way in building your reputation as a trustworthy house sitter. In return, you can also ask the homeowner for their review.

Positive feedback isn't just a pat on the back; it can open doors to even more incredible house sitting opportunities. Homeowners often rely on reviews and recommendations to choose the perfect house sitter for their needs. So, take the time to express your appreciation and share your insights, and don't hesitate to ask for a review in return.

In a nutshell, ethical house sitting practices, the ability to handle unexpected challenges, and thoughtful reviews are all part of the house-sitting journey. Embrace these practices, adapt to challenges, and let your passion for adventure shine through your reviews. By doing so, you'll not only have an incredible house sitting experience but also build a stellar reputation in the house sitting community.



So there you have it. How to save money and travel the world by becoming a house sitter or pet sitter. It really is that simple! House sitting offers a unique, budget-friendly way to turn your wanderlust dreams into reality. No more compromising on experiences and no more fretting about the cost.

So, what are you waiting for? It's time to pack your bags, pick your dream house sit, and set off on a journey of a lifetime. Whether you're yearning for the tranquil countryside, the buzz of a city, or the serenity of an island paradise, the world is your oyster.



What is house sitting?

House sitting is an arrangement where individuals, known as house sitters, take care of someone's home while they are away. This can involve looking after the house, pets, and other responsibilities the homeowners require.

How do I become a house sitter?

To become a house sitter, you typically need to create an online profile on house sitting platforms, build a resume highlighting your relevant experience and skills, and actively search for house sitting opportunities that match your preferences and availability.

Is house sitting safe?

House sitting can be safe when you take proper precautions. It's essential to have clear agreements with homeowners, maintain open communication, and ensure you have the right insurance coverage in place to protect yourself in case of unexpected events.

What are the benefits of house sitting?

House sitting offers various benefits, including free accommodation, the opportunity to explore new places, live like a local, and often enjoy the company of pets. It's a budget-friendly way to travel and experience different cultures.

How long do house-sitting assignments typically last?

House sitting assignments can vary in duration. Some are short-term, lasting a few days or weeks, while others can be long-term, spanning several months. The duration depends on the homeowner's needs and your availability.

Do I need to have experience to be a house sitter?

While experience can be a plus, it's not always necessary. Many homeowners are open to first-time house sitters, especially if you demonstrate reliability, responsibility, and a willingness to follow their instructions.

What responsibilities do house sitters typically have?

House sitting responsibilities can include taking care of the home, pets, plants, and sometimes even minor maintenance tasks. The specific tasks vary from one house sit to another, and homeowners typically provide detailed instructions.

How do I find house sitting opportunities?

You can find house sitting opportunities on dedicated house sitting websites and platforms. Create a profile, search for listings, and apply to assignments that match your preferences and schedule.

Can I house sit in different countries?

Yes, house sitting opportunities are available in various countries around the world. You can choose your desired location and find house sitting assignments that align with your travel goals.

What should I include in my house sitter profile?

Your house sitter profile should highlight your relevant experience, skills, and any special qualifications you possess. Include references, if available, and personalise your profile for each house sitting application.

Are there any costs associated with house sitting?

While house sitting itself is typically cost-free, you may incur some expenses such as travel costs to reach the house sit location. Additionally, some house sitting platforms may charge a membership fee for access to listings.

How can I ensure a successful house sitting experience?

Effective communication with homeowners, adhering to their guidelines, and showing responsibility and respect for their property are key factors in ensuring a successful house sitting experience. Building a positive reputation through reviews and recommendations also helps in securing future assignments.



Planning a trip? Here are some of the resources and tools I personally use to organise my travel plans to anywhere in world.

FLIGHTS : Find the best deals on flights t using Skyscanner.

VISAS : Use iVisa to check if you need a tourist visa for wherever you’re going to and apply for an expedited visa online. Use OneWayFly to obtain proof of onward travel/hotel reservation for your visa application if needed.

TRAVEL INSURANCE : Insure your trip with my preferred insurance for single trip and annual cover HeyMondo

AIRPORT TRANSFER : Pre-book your hotel transfers from the airport.

ACCOMMODATION : Find the best hotel deals on

DAY TRIPS : Find the best city tours and day excursions on your travels on Viator or Get Your Guide.


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