Hi, I’m Sara, creator of Greenoid Adventure

Greenoid Adventure was created in 2014 as a way for me to document our life through video. I began creating videos on YouTube of our daily life in the UK which you can watch HERE. Back when we began I was a single mum with a 9 year old son, Stephen. In the years since then life has changed a lot.

I’d always wanted to travel but always found one excuse or another as to why I couldn’t: be it that I couldn’t afford it, that I was a mum and I couldn’t travel with a child etc etc. I told myself all the crap that just simply wasn’t true. I know it’s a cliché about going travelling and how it changes you but everything about our trip changed me and my whole perspectives on life.

Back in September 2016 we packed our bags and armed with a one way ticket to Beijing, China we set off on an adventure of a lifetime. We visited China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Bali, Turkey and full time travelled for just over a year, unschooling as we went.

We are now back home in the UK and I love family adventure, travel and the outdoors and try to incorporate that as much as possible in to my daily life. I have recently bought my second van that I’m going to convert for many vanlife adventures.

I have become a foster carer but when I’m not fostering I get away on bigger adventures for longer periods of time. When I am fostering and we do have additional little members of the family we tend to stay closer to home (UK, Europe) for our adventures .

On our longer trips list we currently have

  • Canadian road trip

  • Mexico - eating all the food is the main priority here :)

  • Japan - Stephens big one. He has developed a love of Mangas which are Japanese comics which in turn has peaked an interest in the language and culture.

  • Iceland. Just because wow that country looks incredible!